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Hi::jham is the name of person that deals whit the texture of;hard working,a good, and a nice guy;in front of you"::haha:;and my motto is "Trials are not reason to give up";thats what I'am::;have a nice reading my blogs^^

December 6, 2010

IT104 Jhamel BErja

  1. 1. Why has there been a dramatic increase in the number of computer related security incidents in recent years? `
·         Its been declared a dramatic increase in the number of computer related to security incidents in recent years, because many of the people in this entire world who knows how to used this modern technology, even if the young ones can do anything what she /he wants to do in the field of computer, and every one can manipulate things in this kind of society. It become also a dramatic increase related on security incidents because, when the complexity of the modern world of computer increasing then their will be the increasing of vulnerability. Another extent why there is a dramatic increase because many of people now a days can do a malicious attacks, viruses and any kind of security incidents can harm the environment of the computer technology.
2. What are some characteristic of common computer criminals, including their objectives?
Their are six characteristic of a computer criminals, the ff.are:
    • HACKER=> test limits of the system and gain publicity.
    • CRACKER=> cost problem steals data and cu rapt system.
    • INSIDER=> make money distracts companies’ information system.
    • INDUSTRIAL SPY=> capture trade secrets and gain competitive advantages.
    • CYB ER CRIMINALS=> making fake money.
    • CYB ER TERRORIST => destroy key infrastructure component.
3. What actions must be taken in response to security incidents?
>>It might be stop making those malicious attack,and any perpetrators, in the field of computer technology.and be fair to all net users.

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